Since 2013, AIGA has been at the forefront of raising awareness about the harms of non-consensual, medically unnecessary genital cutting and other bodily alterations.

Beginning as an activist organisation, AIGA has evolved into a professional advocacy body that advocates for everyone’s human right to bodily integrity to be protected and promoted.

The new name is a blend of the surnames of the organisation’s founder, the late Paul Mason, and main benefactor, the late Robert Darby. Paul Mason was a barrister and former Tasmanian Commissioner for Children. Robert Darby was a respected scholar on the subject of circumcision.

Darbon Institute Chair Jonathan Meddings said, “We have a proud history and our new name reflects that, and also positions us well for the future as a professional organisation advocating for the health and human rights of children.”

“Every year in Australia and New Zealand many tens of thousands of baby boys are strapped to plastic boards to have the most sensitive part of their penises cut off with absolutely no medical justification. This needs to stop.”

“The Darbon Institute will be a strong advocate for everyone’s right to bodily integrity. By allowing non-consensual, medically unnecessary genital cutting and other bodily alterations to occur, Australia and New Zealand are currently failing to meet their international obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.”

“The Darbon Institute looks forward to working constructively with governments at all levels to ensure Australia and New Zealand are fulfilling their obligations under international law.”

For more information:

Jonathan Meddings | Chair | Darbon Institute

[email protected] | +61 437 435 091 |

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