Our vision
We envision a world where the right to bodily integrity and autonomy is respected, protected and promoted for everyone.
Our mission
We advocate for everyone’s right to bodily integrity and genital autonomy, and educate the public, medical profession and government about the harms of non-consensual, medically unnecessary genital cutting and other body alterations so that these practices come to an end.
Our history
On 7 May 2012, a court in Cologne, Germany, ruled that the non-therapeutic circumcision of a young boy represented grievous bodily harm and was not in the child’s best interests.
On 7 May 2013, the anniversary of this landmark court decision, a group led by former barrister, family lawyer, and Tasmanian Commissioner for Children Paul Mason, founded AIGA to protect and promote everyone’s right to bodily integrity and genital autonomy in our region.
Our name
In 2020, AIGA rebranded as The Darbon Institute, a blend of the surnames of our founder the late Paul Mason, and generous benefactor the late Robert Darby, who was a medical historian and respected scholar on the subject of circumcision.
Our future
The important work of protecting and promoting everyone's right to bodily integrity and autonomy continues, but we can't do it without your help.
By working together, we can end the cycle of harm and protect everyone from non-consensual, medically unnecessary genital cutting.
Learn more about what we're doing
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